Best place to find Cannabis Moon Rock Online

What is Moon Rock Concentrate?
Moon Rock is a name given to cannabis products which are said to have originated in Jamaica. Sometimes it refers to the actual Moon Rock cannabis strain, which is a hybrid with a high concentration of CBD and low THC, but most of the time it is used to describe any high quality CBD-dominant cannabis flower. To the Moon on WTF Cannabis is now producing high quality CBD-dominant cannabis flower. Moon Rock is said to have been produced in Jamaica back in the early days of medical cannabis. This is because the right combination of genetics, temperature, and humidity were present to create the perfect environment for the plant to produce large quantities of high quality CBD-dominant cannabis flower.

Moon rocks are a form of cannabis that are infused with a high concentration of the plant’s key ingredient, THC. The THC-rich extract is then mixed with a gelatinous substance secreted by the plant, which is normally used to aid in seed germination. The substance is then flash-cooked, which causes it to change from a liquid to a solid state. This allows for the production of high-concentration THC “rock” that is then ready for consumption.